Borough Moorage Facilities Rate Schedule

(Incorporated by reference in CCBY 16.04.150)

The following monthly rate is adopted and effective for billing rendered on and after August 1, 2014.

Section A: Reserved Moorage Space Rate
Reserved Moorage Rate  $1.50 ft/mo.
Section B: Transient Boat   
Transient Boat Moorage Rate $0.45 ft/day
Section C: Other Harbor Service Rates  
TraveLift Fee Round trip $250.00


  • Shipyard Storage Fee

               Reserved Moorage - $1.00 ft/mo.

               Transient Boat - $2.50 ft/mo.

  • Building Stall Rental Fee - $25.00 per day (minimum)
  • Electric Use Fee- $0.55 kwh

Registration/Payments/ Service Fees

To register and/or make payment of moorage, electric or other service fee contact the Billings. 

Lisa Lord, Billings

PO Box 160

Phone 907-784-3323 Ext. 107

Send Email